The Partnership
Westminster Christian Academy and The Learning Team have partnered to provide WCA students with exceptional tutoring services at a discounted rate.
Tutoring is available for students in elementary, middle, and high school. All WCA families receive a 10% discount.
Private coaching rates for Westminster Christian Academy families:
- 30 minutes for $38.25
- 45 minutes for $57.50
- 1 hour for $76.50

Academic Coaching
The Learning Team provides personalized tutoring and academic support to ensure student success. Highly qualified, knowledgeable, and patient coaches work with students one-on-one to help students gain and refine strategies needed for both academic and personal success.
Our coaches create customized plans for each student based on individual student needs. The initial evaluation identifies the best primary area for the student’s coaching sessions.
Coordinating with WCA faculty and learning specialists, our coaches outline the student’s primary goals and the methods to achieve them. Interviews with parents, the student, and previous teachers are recommended to establish the most effective strategies for the student.
Customized Tutoring Programs Can Be Created For:
- English Language Art/Reading
- Reading Intervention: Orton-Gillingham Approach
- Math
- Science
- Spanish
- History
- AP and Honors Courses
- Virtual Learning Success
- Test Preparation including PSAT/SAT and ACT
- Executive Functioning: Study Skills, Test-Taking Skills, Organizational Skills, Memorization Techniques