English Tutoring for Students of All Ages
Is your student struggling in English? Our expert academic coaches can help improve their grammar, grades, and confidence.
We cover English for students of all ages and have offered several English workshops in the past. Get a preview for the topics we can cover below.
To sign up or learn more about how we can personalize tutoring for your student, please get in touch with us!

English Tutoring
- English Tutoring $100.00/hour
One-on-one private English tutoring
- Getting into Grammar $100.00/hour
The Getting into Grammar tutoring program is designed for students who want to enhance their writing skills by learning and understanding the basic building blocks of grammar. Students examine the eight parts of speech and how they function in a sentence. Students learn sentence types, sentence structures, and sentence patterns and then use words, phrases, and clauses to build increasingly complex sentences.
- Writing an Essay $100.00/hour
Our academic coaches teach students how to enhance their writing skills, better organize paragraphs and essays, and improve editing skills. During these tutoring sessions, students examine the elements of a five-paragraph essay and practice writing both the parts and the whole. We also provide students a template to make just about any writing assignment easier to tackle. Along the way, students will examine sticky grammar problems that weaken writing and learn to develop their voice to strengthen these problems.
- Persuasive Writing $100.00/hour
Our persuasive writing tutoring introduces students to the basics of persuasive writing. Critical to success in high school, college, and beyond, we cover how to narrow down interest in any topic to a convincing, defendable argument. We consider how to effectively target different audiences, conduct academic research, organize and defend original arguments, correct citation practices, and revise an essay. Our persuasive writing tutoring is hands-on and students complete several short assignments to refine these critical skills.
- ACT English $115.00/hour
Who should take this? > Students who are hoping to refresh skills and focus on how to master the top 8 areas tested on the English ACT. Students who are currently scoring below a 28 OR looking to master the easy and medium level difficulty problems on this section. Students who are interested in the most important strategies> for handling the different question types.